In everyday life of the Ukrainian girls' for many centuries is kept the tradition of braiding braids. Often with a braided braid people made a conclusions about the tidyness of a girl. "Ukrainian braid - girlish beauty", "Girl with...
On December 25th, Catholics of Latin tradition and other Christians who are guided by the Gregorian and New Caledian calendar, are celebrating Jesus' Birth - Christmas Day. According to Biblical legends, on this day the Virgin Mary gave birth to...
The first who meet the Christmas are the Christians who live by Gregorian and New Caledian calendar. It is celebrated on December 25 in many countries of the world in honor of the birth of the Son of God, who...
For Ukrainians, it is a special holiday, which is associated with many traditions. On the Ukrainian lands Trinity was celebrated since ancient times. Earlier celebration was called Green Sunday or Semik. On this day people gathered for circle dances, dancing. One...

Wet Monday

The first Monday after Easter, according to ancient Ukrainian tradition is called Wet. This day has always been one of the most fun of the year. Boys doused girls with water, and they gave them in response pysanky. According to...
The name is an integral part of the personality. And when we speak about the Ukrainian culture, it should be added that the Ukrainian name of person also gives him or her a holy defender, a patron, to whom...
Recorded by I.M. Rozvadovsky (born 1918) in Terebovlia in 1978 There was a time when people began falling to the ground and dying one by one. No one knew what caused this disease. A man walks along the road and...
Formerly, Ukrainians believed that family affection, well-being and prosperity would always reign in a house where the stork is settled and bridled its nest. Also, it was believed that this bird could bring babies to the house. Ukrainians devoted...
In this collection you can also see modern Ukrainian slang , neologisms, jargon and other "fashionable" popular words with their explanation and decryption. If you are learning Ukrainian language, add these words to your daily dictionary and surprise your friends...
From the ancient times our ancestors thought that our native home is a particularly magical place, which will always protect from supernatural beings and will give a shelter. However, the hut became a full-fledged home for Ukrainians only when...