The duo of Ukrainian artists creates fabulous porcelain creatures

Facebook/Anya Stasenko and Slava Leontyev

Artists Anna Stasenko and Slava Leontiev create wonderful porcelain “monsters”.

Facebook/Anya Stasenko and Slava Leontyev

A duet produces these himeric, but at the same time cute fairy creatures with true love. The size of these mysterious animals – from 4 to 40 cm! Therefore, such art needs patience and inspiration.

The artists, for some reason, do not consider their work to be special. We believe that it is not true, because they can really manage to convey the beauty of the animal world by their talents. What can you say about it?

Facebook/Anya Stasenko and Slava Leontyev
Facebook/Anya Stasenko and Slava Leontyev

“We started with ceramics by a chance, when our friends invited us for joint project with ceramic jewelry design. We got some experience in this technologies and discovered new area of application for ourselves,” – says Slava Leontyev.

Facebook/Anya Stasenko and Slava Leontyev
Facebook/Anya Stasenko and Slava Leontyev

“We have always worked on individual orders, never seriously promoted our figurines and almost never participated in exhibitions. However, popularity of our art grows and the number of orders significantly surpasses our production resources now.”

Facebook/Anya Stasenko and Slava Leontyev

“We would like to believe that a kid, who will grow next to our art, will grow smarter and happier than as without it.”

Based on
Anastasia Soroka for Amazing Ukraine

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