Traditional ukrainian names and their origins


A name is an inherent part of human`s personality. Talking about Ukrainian culture, we have to point out that name also means that the person is getting a patron, a saint, whose traits of character they have to look up to and whose help they can ask for. Parents are responsible for choosing their kid`s name and what they should do is to prepare some names to choose from, due to the fact that the name is something that their kid has got to hear everyday.

A big part of traditional ukrainian names took their origins from martyrs` and saints` names, whose names had Jewish, Latin and Greek roots. Apart from those, some of ukrainian names have Scandinavian origins which were spead around Ukraine by Varyags. This kind of names was popular between ukrainian rulers and their armys in XX-XIII centuries.

Slavic folklore also contains a great number of pagan gods` names or names that was created of concepts and spiritual beliefs. Some parents gave their child a specific name due to their beliefs in magic power and spirits.

Traditional male names and their meanings

Adam – literal meaning – a human carved out of an earth or clay. (Gospel) Name has a biblical origin.
Adrian – is a form of the Latin name, that originates from name Hadrianus, which means ‘the one who comes from the Adriatic Sea’
Andriy – ancient Greek name, means ‘brave and courageous’
Antoniy – originates from ancient Rome (Antonius)
Anatoliy – means ‘sunrise’, ‘rising’, ‘citizen of Anatoliia’
Askol`d – scandinavian name, which means ‘golden voice’
Afanaciy – name of ancient Greek origins, which means ‘immortal’
Bogdan –Slavic name, means ‘God-given’
Borys – originates from ancient Slavic name Boryslav, which means ‘fighter for glory’
Boyan – Slavic name, that means ‘storyteller’, ‘chanter’
Vasyl – name has Greek roots and appeared in times of Persian wars. This name has a meaning of ‘Persian king’
Valeriy – has latin roots, means ‘healthy and strong’. The Ancient Greeks used it as another name for god Mars
Valerian – originates from latin Valerianus
Vitaliy – latin origins, means ‘vital’, ‘the one who has a life’, ‘alive’
Vlasiy – means ‘the one who lisps’
Volodymyr – has a meaning of ‘the one, who rules the world, who crave for agreement’
Vsevolod – Slavic name that literally means ‘to rule everything’
Vyacheslav – originates from ancient Ruthian words ‘vyache’ (more) and ‘slav’ (glory, fame)
Glib – name that means ‘Gods heir’. Name has a Scandinavian origin
Grygory – means ‘careful’, ‘concentrated’, ‘focused’. Has Greek roots
Demyan – means ‘fertile’. Has Greek roots
Danylo – Biblian name, famous in asian countries. This name is translated as ‘God is my judge’
Denys – originates from ancient Greek name ‘Dionysus’ and means ‘the one who belongs to god of wine Dionysus’
Dmytro – Greek name, means ‘the one who is destined for Demeter’
Evgen – in translation from Greek means ‘noble’ and ‘well-born’
Erast – ancient Greek meanings are‘strong’ and ‘sold’
Evstahiy – a ukrainian name of Slavic origin that is connected to god of earth and fertility
Eremiya (Yarema) – is a Ukrainian name of old Slavic origin, associated with the name of the god of the earth and fertility Yarilo
Zenoviy (Zynoviy) – is a name of ancient Greek origin, translated as “power of Zeus”
Yosyp – a name that has a Jewish origin, literally means “God will add”
Ivan – Ivan is a Ukrainian name. Came from Hebrew and Greek. It means “Yahweh (God) has mercy.”
Igor – is a name that originates from the Old Norse word “Ingvarr” (“Ing” is the god of fertility, “Warr” is cautious, caring). Another version is that the name comes from the ancient Russian “In (l) gvara” (to protect the name of God), which is interpreted as an army, a force, a warriors
Ignatiy – is a Latin name that has two meanings – “fiery” and “unborn”
Ilya – is the Ukrainian version of the biblical (Hebrew) name Eliyahu. The meaning of the name is “my God is the true God”
Izydor – a name of ancient Greek origin, meaning – “gift of Isis (goddess)”
Iryney – has an ancient Greek origin, comes from the word “Irenos” (peaceful). One of the names of Zeus
Klymentiy – the name is interpreted in two ways: the Latin name, which means “merciful, indulgent”, and the Greek name, which means “vine”
Konstyantyn – a Christian name that translates from Latin as “steady, constant.”
Lev – a Ukrainian name that has Greek roots. Means “king of animals”, “lion”
Leonid – the origin of this name is associated with the ancient Greek name Leonidas, which means “the one that is like a lion”, “a son of a lion”
Lyubomyr – is a name of Slavic origin and literally means “the one who loves peace”
Maskym – is a name of Latin origin. In translation from Latin it means “the greatest one”
Markian – has a Latin origin and means “one who belongs to Mars”, “dedicated to Mars”. Is one of several names of the Roman god Mars
Marko – comes from the Latin word “marcus” – a hammer
Mykyta – is a name of Greek origin, meaning “winner”, “victory”
Mykola – the name originates from the ancient Greek name “Nikolaos”, which means “conqueror of nations”.
Myron – has a Greek origin, translated as “myrrh”, “fragrant resin”, “fragrant”
Myroslav – is an ancient Slavic name that has meanings of “glorious” “one who gives glory to the world”
Myhaylo – is a Ukrainian name of Jewish origin that means “the one like God”
Nestor – is a Greek name that has a meaning “the one who came back home.”
Nykyfor – is a name of Greek origins, which has a meaning of “the one who brings victory”
Oleg – is one of the pre-Christian names of Scandinavian origin that means “sacred”, “the one dedicated to the gods”
Oleksandr – is a Ukrainian name of Greek origins. Is translated from the ancient Greek as “the defender of people.”
Oles` – is a Ukrainian name, originally it is a form of the name Oleksandr, which has become a name
Oleksiy – is a name of a Greek origin. The meaning of the name Alexis is associated with the words “protect”, “prevent”
Omelyan – is a Ukrainian first and second name. In translation from the ancient Greek language, it means “one who flatters”, “pleasant in word”
Orest – this name has a Greek origin and means “the one, who comes from mountains”
Pylyp – is a Greek name with a meaning of “one who loves horses”
Pavlo – is a Christian name of Greek origins, meaning “modest”, “small”
Petro – comes from the ancient Greek word “petra” – stone, rock, cliff
Radyslav – is a Ukrainian name that has a meaning of “to enjoy the glory”
Roman – this name is interpreted in two ways: a Latin name that means “Roman, Roman”, or a Greek name that means “strong, strong”
Rostyslav – is a Ukrainian name that has a meaning of “the one whose glory grows”
Slava – is an Aramaic name meaning “old man”
Svyatoslav – the name has Slavic roots. The origin of the name Svyatoslav is connected with Slavic words “celebration” and “glory”
Sevastian – is a Greek name that means “sacred, revered”
Severyn – is a name of Latin origin. Originates from Latin word “severus” – “strict, strong”
Semen – is an ancient Hebrew name that means “heard by God in a prayer.”
Sergiy – the name is probably related to the words “servus” – “servant”, or “servi Dei” – servant of the god (meaning the ancient Roman gods)
Stepan – the name comes from the Greek language. Translated as a “wreath” or a “tiara” – a traditional attribute of the goddess Hera
Tadey – is a Hebrew variant of the Greek name Theodore that means ” a gift of God.”
Taras – in translation from Greek means “the one who confuses the enemy”
Teodor – the name originates from the Greek words “theos” – “God” and “doris” – “gift”, so it is translated as “a gift of God”
Teofil` – is a name of Greek origin. The meaning is “God’s beloved.”
Yulian – is a name of Greek origins that has a meaning of “sunny”
Yuriy – is a name of Greek origins that means “farmer”
Yustyn – is a name of Latin origin, meaning “just” (iustus – “fair, honest, truthful”)
Yakiv – is an ancient Hebrew name meaning “heel.” According to a Bible, Jacob grabbed his brother by the heel at birth to keep up with him
Yaropolk – is a traditional Slavic name. The part “Yaro” means “spring or sun”, and the part “polk” means “a part of something”
Yaroslav – is an ancient Slavic name meaning “desperate in his glory”

Traditional Ukrainian female names and their meanings

Agafia – is a Greek name that has a meaning of “good, kind”
Akylyna – is a name of Latin origin, that means “eagle”
Anastasiya – is a female version of the Greek male name Anastasiy (Anastas) –  the meaning is “returned to life, revived”
Anisiya – name of an ancient Greek origin, that means “executive”
Anna – the name has ancient Jewish origins and means “grace”
Antonina – the name originates from the ancient Roman dynasty of Antony and means “the one who enters the battle”, “the one who opposes”
Areta – is a name of Greek origins that belonged to the goddess of courage
Bogdana – is an ancient Slavic name that has a meaning of “given by God”
Bozhena – the name of Slavic origins. Bozhena is translated as “goddess”, “gifted by God” or “blessed”
Varvara – is a Greek name which means “foreign, cruel.”
Vira – is a Ukrainian name that comes from the Old Slavic language. This name was related to a Greek name “Pistis”
Dariya – is a Persian name that has a meaning of “possessor”, “the one who triumphs”
Yeva – is a Hebrew name that means “life”
Yevgeniya – is a Greek name that means “noble”
Yevdokiya – is a name of Greek origin. This name is a female equivalent of the male name Evdokim. It comes from the word εὐδοκία, which is translated “good glory”
Yevstahiya – is a name of an ancient Greek origin that has a meaning of “solid”, “stable”
Zinayida – is a name of Greek origin, which means “divine daughter”, “the one who belongs to Zeus”, “caring”
Zoreslava – is an ancient Slavic name that originates from the two words “zorya” and “slava”
Zoryana – is a Ukrainian name of ancient Slavic origins. Gained its popularity in XX century
Zoya – is a name of ancient Greek origin, that means “life”
Ivanna – is a Ukrainian name. It comes from the Hebrew name Johannan, which means “God is merciful”
Iryna – is a name with Greek roots, that originates from the goddess of peaceful life Eyrena. Names means “peace” and “silence of the sea”
Kateryna – is a Greek name meaning “pure, immaculate.”
Konstantyna – is a female form of the Latin male name Constantin. Means “permanent”
Kseniya – is a name of Greek origin, that have a meaning of “hospitable”. Originates from the names Oksana and Aksinya
Lada – is an ancient Slavic name that means “sweet, perfect”
Larysa – it comes from the name of the Greek city of Larissa. In Greek mythology, Larissa was the name of Thessalian nymph, Poseidon’s granddaughter and Cyrene’s sister
Lidiya – is a Greek name that has a meaning “a resident of Lydia (a city in Asia)”
Liubov – is a literal translation of the Greek name “Agape”, which mean “love”
Liubomyra – is a Slavic name formed by two Ukrainian words: “love” and “peace”
Liudmyla – is an ancient Slavic name with a meaning of “dear to people”
Mariya – is an ancient Hebrew name with several meanings: “bitter”, “beloved”, “stubborn” or “lady”
Marta – is an Aramaic name that means “mistress, mentor”
Melaniya – is a Greek name that has a meaning of “black, gloomy, cruel”
Myroslava – has Slavic roots and is a female form of a male name Myroslav, consisting of two words – “peace” and “glory”
Motrona – is a Latin name that means “noble woman”, “respectable lady”
Nadiya – a Christian name borrowed from the Greek, is a translation of a name “Elpis”
Nataliya – is a name which means “native”. Has Latin origins
Nina – is a Greek name that has a meaning of “a resident of the Assyrian city of Nin”
Oleksandra – is an ancient Greek name that means “a protector”
Olena – is an ancient Greek name that means “the chosen one”, “bright”
Olga – is a name of Scandinavian origin, which means “saint”
Paraskeviya – is a Christian name. Originates from the Greek. Παρασκευή – “expectations”, as well as “the eve of the Sabbath”, “Friday”
Pelagiya – this name has ancient Greek roots and means “sea”
Radoslava – is an Old Slavic name that consists of two words “joy” and “glory”. It means “the one who enjoys the glory”
Roksana – is an Arabic name that means “divine light”
Roksolyana – is a Ukrainian name that means “a woman from the Roxolana tribe”. In the Middle Ages, in Turkish and European documents, terms “Roksolani” and “Roksolania” were used to refer to Ukraine and its natives
Romana – this name is interpreted in two ways: a Latin name means “Roman”; a Greek name means”strong”
Ruta – is a Hebrew name that means “a friend” or “redhead”
Solomiya – this name comes from the Hebrew word “salom”, which means “peace”. For example: the name, Solomon which means peaceful, and the famous Arabic greeting “al-salami alaykum”, that means “may the peace be upon you”
Sofiya – is an ancient Greek name that has a meaning of “wisdom”
Stefaniya – the name has Greek roots and is related to the word “Stefanos”, which means “crown”, “crowned”
Tamara – the name has Phoenician origin and is translatea as “a palm tree”
Tayisa – is a name of Greek origin. The meaning is unclear: this name may mean “dedicated to the goddess Isis.”
Teodora – a female form of the male name Theodore. The name originates from the Greek words “theos” – “God” and “doris” – “gift”, so it is translated as “a gift of God”
Teresa – has Greek root “teresis”, which means “protection” (perhaps that is why the name Teresa is sometimes translated as “protector” or “hunter”)
Tetyana – is a Greek name that means “founder”
Harytyna – the name has Greek origin and means “one that is full of grace.”
Hrystyna – has Greek origins. This name was brought to Ukrainian culture by Christianity. The origin of the name Christina is connected to words “dedicated to Christ”, “Christian woman”
Yulianna – the origin is Latin. This name is a female version of male name Julian, which means “solar”
Yustyna – comes from the Latin word that means “fair”
Yaroslava – is an ancient Slavic name, which is a female variant of Yaroslav. This name literally means “desperate in the glory.”

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