He was born in the town of Pidhaytsi, but lived and worked hundreds of kilometers away. Now he has returned to Ternopil region. He was buried near his father's grave.   ‘The war took the life of the hero. He was...
These two were to be fierce enemies. Instead, they fell in love at first sight, despite the war. Officer Wilhelm Dietz rescued a Ukrainian Fenya Ostryk from German captivity. And later saved him from others. Their breathtaking love story is...
The Ukrainian song is the soul of Ukrainian people. From ancient times, our ancestors have invested in them their joy and desire, their courage and love to the Motherland. This is our folk memory, which is written in poetic...
Historians claim that the phrase “Slava Ukrayini!” (Glory to Ukraine!) first appeared in the Black Zaporozhtsi Cavalry Regiment, an armed unit of the UNR Army, which fought for the independence of Ukraine in 1918-1920. At that time, Ukrainian partisans...
While Russian historians stubbornly argue about the belonging of the Ukrainian lands to Russia without any documentary evidence, Ukrainian historians find archives, that prove the opposite. So, it turns out that in fact, 90 years ago, the state border of...
A few days are left until a terrible and mysterious night, when the streets of Ukrainian cities will be filled with evil force. Every year in all over the world on the night of October 31 at the All...
Hundreds of thousands people have been standing  on the Maidan during the cold winter 2014, fighting for the independence and freedom of Ukraine.  All photos of the Ukrainian revolution events are arranged in chronological order. November 24, the first multi-thousandth rally...
Did you know that Ukrainians created the longest musical instrument in the world? Have you heard that the longest trolley route is located in Ukraine? This and much more, read on here. 1. In Ukrainian town Rakhiv is surrounded...
Hollywood stars сhoose an embroidery not only for everyday look, but also for a red carpet. Ukrainian embroidery looks perfectly and harmonious in any case: on a walk, on a business or on a romantic trip. You can wear embroidery...
For many years there is a firm conviction among many Ukrainians that the Ukrainian flag should be turned upside to yellow-blue. This statement is preceded by historical facts. According to researchers blue sky and gold fields, which today are...