Russia's X-101 strategic air-to-ground missile was shot down in the Vinnytsia region with a conventional machine gun. Source: head of the Vinnytsia Regional Military Administration Serhiy Borzov spoke about the accident on a video on the morning of March 15 'By...
These two were to be fierce enemies. Instead, they fell in love at first sight, despite the war. Officer Wilhelm Dietz rescued a Ukrainian Fenya Ostryk from German captivity. And later saved him from others. Their breathtaking love story is...
Hollywood stars сhoose an embroidery not only for everyday look, but also for a red carpet. Ukrainian embroidery looks perfectly and harmonious in any case: on a walk, on a business or on a romantic trip. You can wear embroidery...
Pregnant Marianna Pidhurska, who was a patient at a maternity hospital in Mariupol, shelled on March 9 by the Russian occupiers, gave birth to a girl. This was announced on March 11 by journalist Olga Tokaryuk on Twitter. The journalist...
Historians claim that the phrase “Slava Ukrayini!” (Glory to Ukraine!) first appeared in the Black Zaporozhtsi Cavalry Regiment, an armed unit of the UNR Army, which fought for the independence of Ukraine in 1918-1920. At that time, Ukrainian partisans...
The Ukrainian song is the soul of Ukrainian people. From ancient times, our ancestors have invested in them their joy and desire, their courage and love to the Motherland. This is our folk memory, which is written in poetic...
Ukrainians responded enthusiastically to the fundraising for the treatment of Mykhailo Dianov, a defender of Mariupol, who returned from Russian captivity with a serious injury - his mutilated right hand was missing four centimeters of bone. In less than a...
In Berdiansk direction, near Staromaiorske, the Defense Forces made some progress along the front line and deep into the occupied territory. Spokesman for the Tavria Defense Forces Valeriy Shershen informed this on the air of the national telethon "United News",...
Pre-war Lviv, unknown to us, despite the preservation of many historical monuments by the Soviet authorities, had managed to acquire a Soviet look during the long years of being in the USSR. The Communist Party took over all architectural and...
The whole world supports Ukraine. The Metropolitan Opera in New York has terminated the contracts with Russian artists who support Putin's policies. "We will no longer work with artists or institutes that support Putin", General Manager Peter Gelb said, TSN...