Vopli Vidoplyasova: 31 years on stage


31 year have past from the moment when the most popular in the world Ukrainian rock group “Vopli Vidoplyasova” was created.

The meeting of 4 talented musicians – Sashka Pipa, Oleg Skrypka, Sergei Sakhno and Yuri Zdorenko, which was combined by the crazy love to music, became a turning point in the history of Ukrainian music. Then, in 1986, the world had learned about a unique band that had became the founder of Ukrainian rock ‘n’ roll and untwisted ethno-rock.

Photo by: Vopli Vidoplyasova

In the autumn of 1987, the name “VV” was invented. At the same time, the young team of musicians firstly performed at the “Molodist Film Festival”, where they presented their songs to the audience. Later, another concert with the band took place. In November 1987, “Vopli Vidoplyasova” took part in the festival “The First Kyiv rock parade”, where they had had a confident victory.

Over the years, the collective have been gaining more and more success and popularity among listeners. Musicians have been giving concerts not only in the cities of the USSR, but also on the international stage. “Vopli Vidoplyasova” rock group had became the first to sing rock in the Ukrainian language abroad.

Today, the creative legacy of legendary group has 20 albums and more than 300 songs that still lightening the hearts of their listeners.

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