Stop speaking with surzhik! Ukrainians have very wonderful language, and now we also have a wonderful opportunity to study it perfectly in easy way.
For example, there are several applications for our smartphones that will help you to learn a new about our native language even right in the road on the way to home. Radio 24 got acquainted with the program “R.I.D.” and added to its vocabulary a lot of really cool Ukrainian words.
1. Barvy – colors, tone.
2. Bliashanka – a metal container designed to hold a fixed portion of liquid for a long time.
3. Grechnyy – respectfully polite with people. Cheerful, gallant, kind.
4. Hromovytsya is the same as lightning. The same as a thunderstorm.
5. Darmovys – a thing which cling to something to decorate, etc. Pendant, keyсhain.
6. Zakharashchuvaty – to put something in a large numbers, disorderly fillilling the whole place. To accumulate something.
7. Zasharitysya – to blush, to be covered with a blush, to be ashamed.
8. Kvapytysya – To rush, to try to do something faster, to hurry.
9. Navisnity – to lose mind, to become crazy.
10. Nakladanets’ – a piece of bread with butter, sausage, cheese, ham, caviar, etc. Sandwich.
11. Osheleshyty – extremely surprise, to stun.
12. Potsupyty – steal something from someone.
13. Rukhanka – physical exercises performed in order to fit the body.
14. Firanka – a piece of cloth or a tulle, to block a window or a door, etc., a curtain, blind.
15. Khmarostyah – very tall, multistory house, which is reaching clouds, skyscraper.