31 year have past from the moment when the most popular in the world Ukrainian rock group "Vopli Vidoplyasova" was created.
The meeting of 4 talented musicians - Sashka Pipa, Oleg Skrypka, Sergei Sakhno and Yuri Zdorenko, which was combined...
Ukrainian children performed an exciting cover on a popular hit.
Small Ukrainians conquer the Internet with a patriotic version of the popular hit by Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee "Despacito". The cover called "Somewhere in the World"("Десь по світу") has...
The Ukrainian song is the soul of Ukrainian people. From ancient times, our ancestors have invested in them their joy and desire, their courage and love to the Motherland. This is our folk memory, which is written in poetic...
Ukraine has always been famous for it´s songs. And these aren´t just words, these are facts. Yup, ethnographers gathered around 200 000 Ukrainian folk songs, and this is much more than other nations have! The best folklore songs were...