In memory of Kuzma Skryabin: The best sincere songs and videos of Ukrainian musician(video)


“Today, I’m living in the most comfortable time, from the physical to psychological point of view, and may, immodestly, I can mention the material condition. I don’t have too much, but I have enough to feel like a happy person. “(C) Kuzma Skryabin

Kuzma Skryabin © Olena Bozhko

Andriy Kuzmenko (Kuzma Skryabin) is a Ukrainian rock and pop musician who started his creative career in the late 1980s. For more than twenty years, the musician have written a big amount of songs that became hits. The themes of Skryabin’s songs were was different – from the sad and thoughtful lyrics to the most important problems of Ukrainian society.

We offer you to honor the memory of Kuzma, who have deceased in the terrible accident three years ago. Do you remember his best compositions?

About how to be happy

Місця щасливих людей
(The places of happy people)

Добряк (A good man)

Я не тримаю зла (I don’t keep evil)

Танець пінгвіна (Penguin dance)

Кольорова (Colored)

About the love and friendship, mother. About the meaning of life

Старі фотографії (Old pictures)
This song has become one of the most popular songs of “Skryabin”. Ukrainians was sanging it for a guitar at parties, in the nature, in dormitories and at the house concerts. The track appeared in the album “Tango” (2005)

Спи собі сама(Sleep alone)

Мовчати (Keep silent)
This song recorded with Iryna Bilyk got into the project “Album” (2004). According to the audience, it contains the best tracks of the group, and the song “Keep silent” is the biggest surprise for the listeners.

Люди як кораблі (People are like ships)

Говорили і курили (Talked and smoked)
From this track has began the album “Radio Love” (2012).

Падай (Fall down)

Мам (Mom)
The track that entered the album “Radio Love” (2012)

Квінти (Quintiles)

Пусти мене(Let me down)

About the social injustice and patriotism

Сам собі країна (Country itself)
This track is from the album “Wintermind” (2002), which is focused on social issues.

Нам казали (We were told)

Кинули (Thrown away)
The song has appeared in 2009 in the album “My evolution”

Хлопці-олігархи (Oligarch-guys)
Song from the disk “About love?”

Руїна (Ruin)
This song has appeared in 2013. It gained it’s popularity after the publication of the video of a four-hour trip by Andrey Kuzmenko on the road Nikolaev – Kalush – Ivano-Frankivsk – Ternopil – Kremenets – Dubno – Lutsk.

About the holidays

Випускний (Graduation)

З новим роком і Рождеством (Happy New Year and Merry Christmas )

And finally, the clip, which has became the last for the group “Skryabin”, in which sang Kuzma.
Дельфіни (Dolphins)

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