The Polyphony project is the largest archive of Ukrainian folk songs, which appeared in May 2018. By this project Ukrainians will be able to explore the variety of folk music in different regions of Ukraine.

The idea to create a unique platform for the preservation of the Ukrainian song heritage came to the founders in the 2014. The realization of this project lasted until 2018. The initiators recorded more than two thousand folk songs in one hundred villages of Ukraine.
The founders notice that the online archive will be constantly updated with the new records.
The website is extremely easy to use. The “search” option on the the Polyphony project can be done according to different criteria. Here you can listen the songs by the place of their origin. They are marked by geotagging on the online map. In addition, the website visitor can search songs by their themes, motifs and context of performing.
The main goal of this project is to continue the tradition of the Ukrainian folk song, which today is in danger of disappearing.
“The real challenge, however, is just beginning. If the people do not begin to (re)use these songs after they are recorded, they are bound to have the same fate as dead languages: they disappear from daily use and dwindle into mere subjects of research for a handful of linguists. On the other hand, if they become a part of people’s daily lives, this “passive set of data” will be brought back to life.”, – said the founders of the project.
Anastasia Soroka for the Amazing Ukraine