'A devastating' Russian offensive on October 20 resulted in significant losses of almost 1,400 soldiers and 175 tanks and armored vehicles near Avdiivka, marking a major setback for Russian forces due to a lack of surprise, reduced air support,...
Russia's X-101 strategic air-to-ground missile was shot down in the Vinnytsia region with a conventional machine gun. Source: head of the Vinnytsia Regional Military Administration Serhiy Borzov spoke about the accident on a video on the morning of March 15 'By...
In the unfolding events on the front lines, crucial updates emerge from the Donetsk sector, showcasing intense battles in the Avdiivka region, persistent Ukrainian defenses in Stepove and near the Chemical Plant, and strategic maneuvers shaping the dynamics of...
In a recent update from the south, Ukrainian forces executed a remarkably effective strike on the Black Sea Fleet, employing a strategic combination of drones, missiles, and speedboats to destroy two Russian assault-landing ships, providing a detailed account of...
In the Avdiivka area, Russian forces conducted an unsuccessful frontal assault on Terrikon, a formidable artificial mountain. Ukrainian defenders repelled the attack, causing significant Russian casualties. Today, there are a lot of updates from the Avdiivka direction – YouTube channel Reporting from...
Ukrainian forces engaged in 38 combat incidents during the day, successfully repelling multiple enemy attacks in the Bakhmut and Avdiivka sectors, and continuing offensive operations in various regions to inflict losses on the occupying forces. On October 23, there were...
In the latest updates from the ongoing conflict between the Ukrainian army and the Russian invaders, intense clashes have occurred on the Donetsk front, with notable developments in the Avdiivka sector and along the Stepove-Chemical Plant Line, as Ukrainian...
Уряд Румунії схвалив передачу Україні батареї ЗРК Patriot, повідомляють місцеві ЗМІ в понеділок. Виступаючи на прес-конференції за підсумками засідання Кабінету міністрів, речник уряду Міхай Константін заявив, що законопроект, що дозволяє передати Україні батарею зенітно-ракетної системи Patriot, буде швидко направлено...
Ukrainian forces near Novoprokopivka, in the Tokmak direction near Zaporizhzhia, effectively repel a significant Russian flank advance, securing additional territory and diminishing the potential for similar Russian offensives in the future. Today, there is a lot of good news from...
The German government believes the international law allows Ukraine to launch attacks on the territory of Russia as a measure of self-defence, 'Ukrainska Pravda' writes. Source: Steffen Heberstreit, official representative of the German government, in a commentary for German media outlet DW, writes...