Today – 120 years since the birth of Golda Meir, Ukrainian, who became the 4th Prime Minister of Israel


On May 3th is celebrated the 120th anniversary of the birth of a world-famous Kyivian, who headed the State of Israel as the 4th Prime Minister.

This is mentioned by the Honorary Consul of the State of Israel in the Western region of Ukraine Oleg Vishnyakov on his Facebook.

A post made under his name on Facebook stated:

“Friends! Yesterday was 119 years since the birth of world famous Kyiv citizen, that became 4 Prime Minister of Israel – Golda Meir. “A political leader, who without hesitate draws his people to war, has no right to be a leader” – this is just one of the beautiful quotes of this incomparable woman.

Holdela Mabovich was born in Kiev in Besarabka. Till this days there are the house where she lived, decorated with magnificent bas-relief with her image. But before this place was nothing remarkable. At that times city suffered of pogroms, and often at home they used to score the door to feel safe. One of these evenings, when her father and his friends with hammers stood near the door, forever imprinted in the memory of the girl. Then she felt the strongest fear in her life, but realized that the idle never. Later, she began to struggle. As it turned out, not only for herself – for all Jews in the world.

From pogroms Golda’s family fled to the US. Her father worked as a carpenter, the family was poor. In the locker room of the future founder of Israel there were only two dresses – for all occasions. But then she realized that the main thing – was not external tinsel. The main thing – was knowledge. So, when parents found for their fourteen years old daughter the thirty-insurance agent as a husband, she fled to her sister to Denver to get secondary education. There she met her future husband Maurice Meyerson. The history of their relationship was very difficult, because Golda Meir never put family interests on the first place. She was the person who created the State. And put her life on its wellness – that’s what was her main goal. “My life was very happy. I did not only live at the times of forming of the Jewish state, but also saw how it adopted and absorbed masses of Jews from all over the world, “- said Golda.

In 1915, Meir joined the “Poale Zion”, Union of the Left Zionists. After some time with her husband and sister she went to Palestine on the ship «Pocahontas». Upon arrival, she officially changed her name to “Golda.” The family joined the kibbutz in the valley Merhaviyi. There Golda became a delegate of the Zionist convention and met with such iconic personalities as David Ben-Gurion, Berl Katsnelson, Zalman Shazar and David Remez. “She is the only real man in the Israeli government” – said David Ben-Gurion about Golda. And he did not make a mistake.

She has made a lot of efforts to ensure that in 1946 the United Nations voted to partition Palestine and independence of Israel. She met with thousands of Jews and explained that they need to fight for their own state. And common victory was quick.

Golda was appointed Israel’s ambassador to the USSR. The moment when during her first visit to Moscow synagogue hundreds of Jews welcomed the representative of an independent state, was even perpetuated in Israeli currency – 10 new shekels and 10 000 shekels. This point was a moment of dignity for all: Jews, which in the Soviet Union were treated as people of the “lower class” have the right to go where they will be respected and understood. People, who was behind the “iron wall”, understood that if Jews can go from the Union why than they were closed?

Golda Meir became Prime Minister at the age of 71. She led the country in a difficult period – the Yom Kippur War, Munich Massacre … Although she might remind someone of an old Jewish grandmother, sweet and colorful, inside she was always tough core. With honor and dignity, she went out of the most difficult problems, for that people respect her even today.

Golda struggled all her life and lost only to the disease. She died on the 8th of December, 1978 from lymphoma. She was buried in Jerusalem on Mount Herzl.

“There is no difference between killing a man and a decision, because of which the man will be killed by others. It is the same, if not worse. ” I mention these and other powerful words of Golda Meir and understand that it is always important – to understand the strength of the decisions and actions. If we could sacrifice and the put people’s interests on the first place to, we can build a powerful state, which will serve as an example for the whole world”.


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