10 cozy Ukrainian words which are suitable for autumn


Autumn – is a time of wind, rain, and fallen leaves. The weather gets colder every day, so people start to create a warm atmosphere in their homes.

We have collected for you 10 beautiful Ukrainian words, which confirm that the fall should not cause sadness.

On the contrary, Autumn is the time when ..

You can look at the sky for hours and enjoy the birds, which are flying in Vyriy.

Vyriy – warm, southern edges, where the birds fly for the winter.

You can take some warm cozy clothes out of the wardrobe. For example, a kamizelka.

Kamizelka is the same as a sleeveless jacket; waistcoat.

And to arrange posyden’ky – home meetings with lovely friends.

Posyden`ky – is a leisure when people are sitting and speaking in the street or somewhere else .

To drink hot, aromatic drinks

Filizhanka – a small vessel made of porcelain, from which people drink tea, coffee and other drinks.

To eat different smakolyky

Smakolyky – delicious food;

Plyatsok – a product from dough, a thin cake.

In Lviv and Ternopil region there is a dialectical interpretation of this word – a product that combines cakes, creams and different fillings.

Do you remember how pleasant it is when the zapashny`j (fragrant) scent of fresh baking spreads in your home?

Zapashny`j – one that has a strong pleasant aroma;

And if you want to stay alone, you can wear your warm wool shkarpetky (socks)…


To take kotsyk

Kotsyk is a blanket made of any fabric.

To take parasolya

And to go to the park to enjoy with a bright fallen leaves.

Autumn – is an extremely beautiful time! Warm up each other with your love and then the autumn will bring you only the best impressions!

Anstasia Soroka for Amazing Ukraine

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