Mark Zuckerberg has Lviv origin

Марк Цукерберг. фото. Україна. Згадати все

The relative of one of the worlds’ richest people, as it turns out, was born in the Lviv region. 

The great-grandmother of the social network Facebook founder Mark Zuckerber was born in Skole, which is located in the Lviv region. This has written blogger Oleg Ayzin on his Facebook page.

By the resource, he has found that Minnie Zuckerberg (Wiesenthal) was born on the land of Galicia. Later, she was forced to immigrate, so she left the territory of modern Ukraine and went to the United States. Minnie, who was the daughter of Samuel Wiesenthal and Jenny Firberg, has married with Jack Zuckerberg in New York. Their love gave the birth to Marks’ grandfather – Jack (Jr.).

Respect Mark Zuckerberg! But you forgot to mention your great-grandmother from Ukraine!Despite rumours about Mark's…

Gepostet von Oleg Ayzin am Donnerstag, 2. Februar 2017

“Skole in Lviv region of modern Ukraine is a small Western Ukrainian town which has Jewish, Ukrainian and Polish population. It is in cross-border Galicia area, under Polish rule in 1930, but definitely in Ukraine now! ” – has written ayzin.

Original post of Mark Zuckerberg:

My great grandparents came from Germany, Austria and Poland. Priscilla's parents were refugees from China and Vietnam….

Gepostet von Mark Zuckerberg am Freitag, 27. Januar 2017

Alla Gunchenko for Amazing Ukraine
Translation by Anastasia Soroka

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