100 years of beauty: Ukrainian blogger has made an extraordinary video about the evolution of Ukrainian women through the prism of history


Ukrainian women have always played one of the most important roles in Ukrainian society. It wasn’t easy for them, but they have been strong …

They have been waiting through the war. They have been repressed. They have been working hard. Fighting for independence. And they are doing it till today!

About this in the video of Ukrainian Youtube-blogger Karina Lira “100 years of beauty. UKRAINE”.

“100 years of beauty. UKRAINE” – is a video about the style and inner strength of the Ukrainian woman and about how the circumstances and trials have affected her through the years.

“With this video I hope to inspire love and respect for Ukrainian history of Ukraine, because we have something to be proud of. I wanted to show the development of Ukrainian history through the image of a woman,” – noted in the video Ukrainian blogger Karina Lira.

Should be added that Karina Lira fills up her Youtube channel with Ukrainian language, distributes Ukrainian ideas, and involves to study history and to love our Homeland.

Anastasia Soroka for Amazing Ukraine

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