In a recent update from the Vuhledar direction, Russian forces executed powerful attacks aimed at eliminating the Ukrainian bridgehead, facing strategic challenges in terrain and mines, as Ukrainian defenders thwarted their attempts with geolocated footage revealing the destruction of...
In the latest developments on the Ukrainian-Russian front, intense clashes unfold in Vremivka and Avdiivka, showcasing Ukrainian forces successfully repelling armored assaults and gaining ground in strategic areas. On November 16, there were many important updates from the front of...
In the volatile Donetsk front, this report delves into the intense battles unfolding in key sectors, including Avdiivka and Vuhledar, as Ukrainian forces mount impressive counterattacks, tackle challenging weather conditions, and confront Russian advances along the front lines On November...
In the ongoing clashes between the Ukrainian army and Russian invaders, significant developments include Ukrainian counterattacks in the Stepove-Avdiivka line, pushing back Russian infantry forces, and Ukrainian successes in securing key positions and tunnels near Klishchiivka, highlighting the intensity...
In the dynamic theater of the Tokmak direction, Ukrainian forces execute a strategic shift, prioritizing the expansion of their bridgehead and achieving significant successes, while a series of tactical maneuvers, including precision deployments and a daring night raid, reshape...
Ukraine executed an amphibious raid on Crimea, using aerial attacks to divert and challenge Russian responses Day 588: Oct 04 Today, the biggest news comes from the south - YouTube channel RFU reports. Here, Ukrainian forces conducted an amphibious operation under the...
As of the morning of March 26, Ukraine had 156 laboratory-confirmed coronavirus cases, the Health Ministry of Ukraine has reported. "As of 10:00 on March 26, Ukraine had 156 laboratory-confirmed cases of COVID-19, including five deaths. One patient recovered and...
In the latest frontline developments between the Ukrainian army and Russian invaders, intense battles unfold across key sectors, revealing the resilience of Ukrainian forces against multiple waves of attacks. On November 13, there were many important updates from the front...
Ukrainian performers Oleksandr Ponomariov and DZIDZIO (Mykhailo Khoma) sang the song "Puzzles" (Пазли) and released a music video. This song is dedicated to the love story of two men falling for one girl. "Video-clip was released on Ponomariov`s YouTube channel...
'A devastating' Russian offensive on October 20 resulted in significant losses of almost 1,400 soldiers and 175 tanks and armored vehicles near Avdiivka, marking a major setback for Russian forces due to a lack of surprise, reduced air support,...